Induction into the NSCA Hall of Fame is the highest honor any Sporting Clays shooter can receive from the association. The NSCA Hall of Fame Committee, appointed by the NSCA Executive Council, is charged by the Executive Council to annually nominate those individuals the committee deems worthy of consideration for induction into the NSCA Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame consideration will come from submissions by the NSCA membership and the NSCA Hall of Fame Committee. Any member in good standing with the NSCA may submit a candidate for consideration by the NSCA Hall of Fame Committee.
Hall of Fame candidates are selected from three groups: Candidates who have made impressive records shooting; persons who have made significant contributions to the NSCA and the sport (the Hal du Pont Jr. Service Award), and persons who have made significant contributions to the involvement and development of youth shooters in the sport benefiting the NSCA (the Hill-Adams Service Award).
Candidates become eligible for selection after 10 years of active membership in the NSCA. (An exception can be granted for the 10 years active membership criteria by the Hall of Fame Committee due to death, illness, disability or any other factor deemed suitable by the Committee.)
2024 NSCA Hall of Fame Inductees
Ashleigh Hafley Alexander
Hal duPont Service Award:
Bruce Hering
See the full list of NSCA Hall of Fame Inductees
Submission Procedures
Submissions should be mailed to NSCA Headquarters using the Candidate Nomination Form (made available by request from Headquarters, or download below.)
Download Hall of Fame Nomination Form
The deadline for submission to Headquarters shall be March 1 of the year of induction consideration. All nominations submitted will be reviewed and consideration will be given for a period of three years, after which the nomination will be removed and must be re-submitted for future consideration.
NSCA Headquarters will forward all submissions to the Hall of Fame Committee Chairman for consideration no later than the second Monday in March. All submissions that are made by the Hall of Fame Committee will be combined with the submissions from the NSCA membership-at-large and distributed to all Hall of Fame committee members by the Hall of Fame Committee Chairman for consideration no later than March 31.
Committee nominations will then be presented to the NSCA Executive Council for vote no later than April 10 of that induction year.
Voting Procedures by the Hall of Fame Committee
1. Upon receipt of all submissions, the NSCA Hall of Fame Committee Chairman will place all submissions in alphabetical order by award group and will distribute the submissions electronically to the Committee for discussion and subsequent vote.
2. A candidate must receive a minimum majority vote of the Committee to be considered nominated and presented to the Executive Council for vote.
3. No more than two (2) Shooter Awards; one (1) Hal du Pont Jr. Service Award, and one (1) Hill-Adams Service Award will be awarded and inducted in any one year. In a year where there are no viable nominees for one or all categories there will be no inductees, but we will still have an awards banquet.
4. Hall of Fame Committee nominees selected by majority Committee vote must also receive a majority vote of the NSCA Executive Council before induction is considered final.