Head Lifting
I have a problem with lifting my head off the gun. In overcast conditions or shooting against a background with vegetation, the problem gets worse. I don’t lift it intentionally, but when I do, I shoot high. How can I stop myself from lifting my head?
Break Points
You saw me shoot practice at Nationals, and when I asked you why I missed one of the targets you said, “you hesitated at the break point.” I recognize that I do this, but how do I stop?
Hold Point
I’ve always been told to keep my eyes centered in my head to follow the bird (ocular center) and turn my head toward the visual hold point. I see in your video that you say to cut your eyes back to the visual hold point, and if needed, turn your head slightly. Can you clarify?
Where To Look
Where should my eye be during the pre-shot planning, and where should the barrel be in relation to my peripheral vision? How far out from the trap should I set the visual pick-up point? Should I look at the trap or not?
Dirty Choke Tubes
I get a significant amount of plastic residue on the inside of my screw-in choke tubes after a couple of hundred targets. Is there a technique you might recommend to clean the chokes?
Barrel Draggers
I tend to ride the target a lot. I seem to always pull the trigger later than I want to and later than I plan to. How can I fix that?
Visual Pick-up Point
Can you go over the process of picking where your eye should be during the pre-shoot routine and where the barrel should be? Should I look beyond the flight path? An instructor told me it’s better to focus way out than in because it takes one’s eyes longer to focus out than in.
Hearing Loss
Why do the older shooters that have been shooting for a lifetime all seem to have hearing problems? Am I at risk for hearing loss?
Driven Birds
I live in England and I am primarily a driven bird shooter. Traditional shotgunning techniques don’t seem to work with this target. I’ve read Churchill and Stanbury but I have never seen the 40- to 60-yard driven bird addressed in a video. Any advice?
Trigger-to-Grip Length
I have a problem with the gun going off before I want it to. An instructor told me I “choke up” on the gun. He said I tend to grip the shotgun too far up toward the receiver. I’m shorter than average and have a small hand. What should I do?
Practice Rounds
Do you believe shooting a round of 50 or 100 is the best type of training there is to increase your scores in sporting clays, or do you believe there are other routes to achieve percentage growth in this game?
Traveling With Shotguns
I know lots of shooters travel with their shotguns, but I’ve never traveled by plane with my gun. I’ve always been afraid of the hassle. What’s involved in taking my shotgun on a plane?
Strategies for Chandelles
Chandelles are giving me trouble. I think I’m shooting over and end up chasing them. Can you give me advice on shooting chandelles?
Chokes for Beginners
I am a beginner at sporting clays and love the sport. I’m hooked — but I am so incredibly confused about chokes! What should I use and when?
Gun Fittings
I am a beginning shooter. How do I know if I need a gun fitting? How will I know if I need a custom stock or just an adjustable comb?
The Mental Game
The biggest obstacle I face in trying to improve my shooting performance is between my ears. My mental and visual focus seem to come and go throughout the round. Any suggestions?
I have a flinch — a bad one. I used to flinch every once in a while, but since I changed guns about three months ago, I flinch constantly. What do I do?
Crossing Targets
Yesterday at my club, I was practicing on a 30-yard left-to-right crosser. I tried to break the target at various spots along the flight path. My best breaks were shots where I hit the bird just before it started to fade and fall off the target line. When I tried to break the target a bit later, I had a lot of trouble. Why did I have so much trouble breaking this target as it was starting to slow down and fall?
Parallel Combs
Can you explain why having an angled comb makes sense? Why wouldn’t everyone want a parallel comb? 100,000 trap shooters can’t be wrong.
Basic Fit
I’m at the point in my shooting that I really want to improve. What should I do first: get instruction or get a gun fitting?
I’m struggling this season. I seem to drop four times as many birds on third and fourth pairs as I do on first and second pairs. Until I fix this I am stuck in the mid-80s, which is much better than a year ago but not as good as I want to be. What do I do?
What is the best way for a C, D or E class shooter to practice?
Mental Process
I’ve been shooting for two years now and progressing well. When I practice, things go well, but in a registered shoot, I just cannot bring it all together for a good score. The boredom gets to me waiting to shoot. Any advice on the mental game of registered shooting?
Gun Fit
There seems to be disagreement about drop at comb. There is a YouTube video that suggests a shooter should be flat on the rib with both beads lined up when the shooter is mounted to the shotgun. I’m confused.
Bad Follow-Through
I have a good friend who shoots sporting clays with me regularly. He tends to push the gun away from the target at a very fast speed. I have been trying to get him to stop this, but I think it is now a bad habit. Why does he do this?
Colored Targets
Many shooters have trouble picking up certain colored targets against certain backgrounds. Target setters can virtually eliminate this issue by using different target colors. Why is so little attention given to the problem of target visibility and its effect on sporting clays shooters?
Winter Butt Pads
If you wear heavy clothes or add a spacer to your gunstock to lengthen the LOP, it would seem to change the point of impact, as your face would be lower on the stock. So would sporting clay shotguns be better off using a parallel stock?
I’m having a terrible time with transitioning targets that are falling or descending at the break point. I feel like I am seeing the barrel. Do you have a suggestion of how to remove the barrel from the sight picture and improve the focus on the target?
Drop At Comb
I have lowered my adjustable comb as far as possible, and yet I still find myself being slightly high on the gun — I see the mid-rib bead with far too much separation to the end-bead. To compensate, I have to push forward more, and while I shoot OK like that, it’s not as natural as I would like it to be. What should I do?
One thing that drives me crazy on any clays course is the inconsistency of my shooting. I never know how I am going to shoot until I begin shooting. I practice as much as I can afford, but I can’t seem to break the cycle or whatever you would call it.
Rib Height
I’m going to buy a new gun and can’t make up my mind between a high rib or flat rib. What do you recommend?
Blue Skies
I’ve committed to my kill points, finally, and it has taken my shooting to another level! Thank you! One question: How do I address target kill points with no background reference?
Loose vs Tight Focus
What’s the difference between loose focus and tight focus, and when should you use each?
Eye Shift
While shooting sporting clays with a low gun, should the eyes alone shift when moving from the hold point to the pickup point? Or should the head move so the nose is pointing at the pickup point and the eyes remain centered?
In FITASC, is the first move to the target a bayonet move, or is the first move a lift with both hands to the cheek and break point as you match gun speed to target speed?
Faster Shell
“I tend to shoot behind longer-range targets. Does a faster shell, say 1,325 feet per second, get the shot to the target more quickly and therefore reduce the lead I need?”
“I was shooting a tournament recently and became fatigued (mentally, not physically) and lost focus on the last three stations. How can I train to avoid this meltdown in the future?”
“I read your article about not dismounting between some pairs and sometimes even shooting the first target pre-mounted. I shoot most all targets using an “acquire, swing, shoot” technique. Is this wrong?”
“I’m a relatively new shooter and hope to shoot FITASC someday, so I am trying to practice a low-mount approach to as many targets as possible. When shooting at report or true pairs during a sporting clays round, however, and there is a significant delay between the appearance of the first and second target, am I better off to partly or fully dismount for the second target or to stay fully mounted?
Cross Dominance
“I am 63 years old and only took up shooting in the last few years. I am left-eye dominant and shoot sporting clays and skeet right-handed, and I wink my left eye. I do just ok with this method but would like to shoot better. Would a gun fitting or lesson benefit me?”
Tournament Stress
“How do you deal with tournament stress that causes you to miss easy targets?”
Spoiling the Line
“At a registered shoot last weekend, I really had trouble with a 40-yard crossing target that was descending a little bit just before my break point. I tried to stay under the line of the target but I was still very inconsistent. Any thoughts?“
“What technique, procedure or exercise would you recommend so as not to lose focus throughout the competition?“
“What technique, procedure or exercise would you recommend so as not to lose focus throughout the competition?“
Focus in Front
“When I miss, I usually miss behind, especially on crossing targets. Recently, I have been trying to focus my eyes on a spot in front of the target, and it seems to help. Does this make sense?“
Good Gun Mount
“What’s the best way to perfect my mount?“
Pre-Shot Routine
“What is the best pre-shot routine?“
Level 1 Course
“What are the benefits of taking the Level I Instructor Course?“
Rising Outgoing Targets
“I have trouble with rising, going-away targets with a bit of angle to them. They look so easy, but I am very inconsistent with this type of target. What’s wrong?“
“I’m an instructor, and, unfortunately, I’ve seen many shooters read articles and watch videos and try to incorporate what is said. It causes them to think too much rather than shoot. No offense, but shouldn’t shooters just shoot instead of reading a bunch of articles?“
Monte Carlo
“A well-known instructor told me that a Monte Carlo on a shotgun stock will always cause me to shoot high. I was told by a gun fitter that this is not true. Can you clear up my confusion?“
Shifty Feet
“On some pairs, the break points are so far apart that I feel like I need to change my foot position between the two targets. Is that bad?“
Rising Teal
“There is one target I always struggle with — the steep rising trap target that I have to shoot on the way up. If I wait for the target to get to the top, it is out of range and I’ve missed the second target. Help!”
Head Turner
“I hear different things from different people. When I call for the target, should I be looking at the trap or should I be looking somewhere out in front of the trap?”
New Barrels
“I am swapping my K-80 barrels for a set of Parcours barrels and should have them in the next couple of weeks. I tried shooting my friend’s Parcours and was quite impressed. I would appreciate your insight/opinion on how my current K-80 will handle with a 34-inch Parcours barrels.”
Sticky Gun
“My gun will occasionally get hung up on my shirt. Every so often, it causes me to miss a target in competition. What can I do?”
Early Trigger Pull
I tend to pull the trigger before I want to. How do I fix this?
Puzzling Pair
For a true pair, how should I decide which target to shoot first? Is there a formula to help figure it out if the choice isn’t obvious?
Lens Tint
What tint lenses will provide greatest depth perception? My understanding is that dilated pupils will give the most depth perception as more light enters.
What are your thoughts about an amateur shooter who shoots every other weekend as far as his ability to develop and improve through the various ability levels? How long does it normally take for an athletic 55-year-old man to develop to AA or Master levels?
Gun Fit
I notice that some top shots don’t have their head on the gun when they shoot. They “soft mount” the gun and don’t bring their head to the gun. I’m guessing the shooter’s eye is well over the rib, yet I saw in your gun-fitting video that you recommend that the shooter’s eyeball be perched on the rib like a marble on a table. Can you explain?
Lifting Your Head from the Stock
What is the secret to keeping one’s head on the stock? When I raise my head, I miss. I can’t seem to stop it, and it’s very frustrating.
Are there any general rules or adjustments for shooting battue targets?
Can you give me advice on shooting chandelles? Does their direction and/or distance change the shot plan?
The Mental Game
The biggest obstacle I face in trying to improve my shooting performance is between my ears. My mental and visual focus seem to come and go throughout the round. Any suggestions?
Long Crossers
I seem to have trouble with long crossing targets. I’ve mastered most other target presentations, but the long crossers give me fits. Why are they so difficult, and what can I do about it?
Barrel Length
I am considering moving up to 32-inch barrels from 30-inch barrels. Most of the shooters at my club now shoot with 32-inch barrels. What are the pros and cons of moving to a longer barrel?
Picking a Squad for Nationals
I want to go to the National Championship but don’t really know anyone else going. One of my shooting buddies went to Nationals by himself a few years ago and, while it was a great experience, his squad wasn’t that great. Any tips on picking a squad since it will be my first time going to Nationals and don’t know anyone else going?
New Gun, Low Scores
I recently bought a sporting clays gun with 32-inch barrels, and now my scores have fallen sharply. I started out with 28-inch barrels, then moved up to 30-inch, and now with the longer barrels, I can’t seem to catch up to the target. My previous two guns were Beretta 682, and this one is a 692. I’m 6’5? and 250 pounds, so the gun does not seem too big to me. I was pretty happy with the shorter barrels but succumbed to advertising, I suppose. A big part of this is seeing the top shooters in the country with the longer barrels and trying to duplicate what they are using. Can you offer me tips for improving my scores?
Show Birds
While my squad is looking at the show birds, where should I stand? Why do the pro shooters all tend to point their arms at the targets?
Course Recon
I sometimes see shooters riding around the course and looking at the targets before they actually shoot the course for score. I also see them watch shooters shoot the targets before moving on to spectate at another station. Do you recommend I do a recon of the course before shooting it?
Recoil Sensitivity
I am very sensitive to recoil. I want to continue to shoot a 12 gauge so I can compete in NSCA registered tournaments and don’t want to switch to a smaller gauge. I also prefer over-and-under shotguns compared to semi-autos. What do you suggest?
Custom Perazzi
I am in the process of ordering a new Perazzi and would like to know the pros and cons of a flat rib compared to a mid-height rib for sporting clays.
Changing Chokes
I am currently a C-class shooter and I see a lot of shooters around me changing chokes and shot sizes. What do you prefer and why?
Short of having a gun fitter adjust my comb, how can I be sure my adjustable comb is in the right place and adjusted properly?
Cross Dominance
I am a right-handed shooter and left-eye dominant. I know I am handicapped from the start, but can I still learn to shoot well like this?
Gun Mount to the Cheek
A friend who only shoots skeet questioned the amount of drop on my gunstock. Both of the guns I shoot have parallel combs with 2 inches of drop. His thought was that if I mounted the gun securely under my cheekbone, I would not need as much drop. My thought is that as long as I mount to the cheek, my mount is consistent and my eye is above the rib, the comb does not have to be pressed into the cheekbone. I would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Heavy Loads
I’ve noticed that some sporting clays shooters use expensive ammunition with heavier loads like 1-1/8 and 1¼ ounce. Is there a real advantage?
Hold Points
Is the recommended hold point for crossing targets of two-thirds back from the break point towards the visual pick-up point equally suitable for both maintained lead and pull-away styles, or is an adjustment needed?
The Right Load
What are your thoughts on the best 12-gauge load for sporting clays regarding shot size, weight and speed? Am I handicapping myself if I shoot a lighter payload, like 7/8-ounce shells?
Saving Face
Friends of mine, all novice shots, have invited me to shoot sporting clays for the first time. The last time I had a firearm in my hands was when I was in the army in 1959. I don’t want to look like an idiot. In 30 seconds or less, how do I keep my buddies from beating me?
Shooting Vests
What should I look for in a shooting vest?
The Best Instructors
Who’s better, pro instructors or certified instructors?
Technical Targets
In sporting clays, I often hear the term “technical targets.” What does this mean?
I’m a C-class shooter and shoot regularly. Periodically, I’ll flinch on a shot and have no idea why. While I can’t detect a pattern, it tends to happen more often on the first target of a pair. Do you know of any research on why we flinch, and do you have any suggestions on ways to eliminate it?
Rabbit Targets
I’m inconsistent when shooting rabbit targets. Sometimes I break them OK; especially medium speed and closer targets. Other times I can’t seem to hit them at all. I do find that I am consistent when I get a good bounce and can shoot them in the air. I need help.
Why should I shoot FITASC?
Books and Videos
What do you think of books and videos for learning how to shoot?
In a recent edition of “Ask the Instructor,” you talked about the mental process and the three elements of a pre-shot routine: (1) deep breathing, (2) visualization, and (3) a trigger thought. Can you describe visualization in greater detail?
Barrel Length
When I first started shooting skeet 40 years ago, everyone shot a 26-inch barrel. Now 28-, 30-, 32- and even 34-inch are the popular lengths. My sporting clays guns have 28- and 30-inch barrels. What is the difference in breaking targets? My 28-inch will reach out as far as needed for standard targets. Is the sighting plane or lead different with a longer barrel?
I’ve been having trouble figuring out a low, incoming, quartering target, the type that is on edge and starts dropping and going right or left before it hits the ground about 30 yards out. Because it is coming mostly straight at me until it loses speed, it feels like I am aiming when acquiring the target. What technique do you suggest?
Balance vs. Maneuverability
“I recently added extended chokes to my shotgun. This seems to make the shotgun heavier in the front, so I added some weight in the stock area.While that made it balance around the hinge pin, it still didn’t move the same way it used to. Can you explain gun balance a little better?”
Stance Confusion
“I see so many different things written and so many differences in opinion regarding proper stance. What’s the formula for a proper stance in sporting clays?”
Forcing Cones
“Do longer forcing cones lower felt recoil?”
Rule of 16ths
“How does the rule of 16ths apply to shotgun fitting?”
Can't See Target
“I am an older shooter, and the color orange can be difficult to see against backgrounds. Can you offer some suggestions for target setters to consider that will lessen the difficulty some of us have with seeing certain colors or targets against certain backgrounds?”
“Will a ShotKam really help me?”
“I’ve always heard that you should treat a chandelle like a crossing target, but that doesn’t seem to work for me. How should I be shooting a chandelle?”
“Correct length of pull has the shooter’s nose one to two fingers from the thumb knuckle. However, I notice most top shooters have their nose very close to, if not touching, their thumb knuckle. I have a custom stock on my gun, but if I force my face forward to get my nose to touch my thumb knuckle, it’s uncomfortable and I get a totally different sight picture to the target. Should I consider shortening my stock?”
High or Low Gun
“I’m a new shooter and I’m confused about if I should be shooting mounted or low-gun. I see different shooters shooting in all different ways. What do you recommend?”
“Teal targets cause me more problems than any other type of target. What’s the key to shooting teals?”
Puzzling Pair
“How do I decide which target to take first on a true pair?”
Switching Shoulders
“If I am left-eye dominant but do everything from the right side, should I switch to left-handed shooting?”
Below my Feet
“Where I normally shoot, I don’t see a lot of targets below my feet. When I go to big shoots and I have to shoot from a raised platform or down into a stream bed, I have a really tough time hitting the targets. Any suggestions?”
What Gun to Buy
“I’m 5’8” and most guns seem too long for me. I’ve never actually been fitted for a shotgun, but I want to buy a shotgun and then get it fitted for me. Which shotgun do you recommend?”
Trigger Feel
“I recently picked up my friend’s gun and noticed a big difference in the trigger pull. On mine, there is a gap between the time my finger first touches the trigger and point at which the gun goes off. Also, sometimes the trigger doesn’t fire the second barrel because I haven’t released it far enough after the first shot. I really liked my friend’s trigger. What should I do?”
Always Behind
“I have trouble on some fast quartering targets. I always feel like I’m missing behind. What’s the best technique to break these targets?”
Gun Fittings
“I have a sporting clays gun that I have been shooting for about two years, and I’m not sure that it fits me. I’m thinking about ordering a custom stock or custom gun. What do you suggest?”
Different Strokes
“I am a fairly new sporting clays shooter. I hear people talk about different techniques for breaking targets. Why do I need to use different techniques?”
Measuring Crossers
“I keep fighting the temptation to look in front of a slow-moving crosser rather than looking at the target. Most times, I check the lead and miss. What can I do to reprogram my mind?”
“I notice that I tend to twist my gun when I mount so that the bottom barrel is slightly to the right of my top barrel. Is that a bad thing? If so, what causes it and how can I fix it?”