The NSCA elections for governing bodies to serve in 2023-2024 are now complete, with the selection of the Executive Council and Officers. Three EC members were elected from each NSCA Region, among the Delegates in their respective Region, and one officer was chosen from each Region's EC members. Officers for the upcoming term are: Chairman - Timothy Miles (AZ - Western) 1st Vice Chairman - Mark Baltazar (NY - Northeast) 2nd Vice Chairman - John Calandro III (TX - South Central) Secretary - Kevin Smith (ND - North Central) Parliamentarian - Sammy McFaddin (GA - Southeast) Past … [Read more...]
2021-2022 NSCA Executive Council Elected
The election for NSCA Executive Council members from each region is now completed. Each of the EC members was first elected as a National Delegate from their state. Below are the individuals who will serve on the 2021-2022 Executive Council: Northeast Region: Mark Baltazar (NY) Brad Hopkins (MD) Anthony Matarese Jr. (NJ) North Central Region: Paula Benbow (WI) Brett Seibert (IL) Thomas Sweeney (IL) Southeast Region: Joe Cantey (SC) Joe Fasulo (FL) Sammy McFaddin (GA) South Central Region: Russ Arnold (TX) Gary Greenway (TX) Ronnie Lack (MS) Western Region: Nicolas … [Read more...]