The NSCA Advisory Council has developed and the NSSA Executive Committee has approved a new charter for the National Sporting Clays Association, which is a division of the National Skeet Shooting Association. The charter defines a new governance structure and calls for elections to be held this year. The new governing structure eliminates the Advisory Council and Regional Delegate positions and creates a 15-member Executive Council, with three members from each region, elected from the National Delegate body. Five officers will be elected from the Executive Council. The new governing bodies will take office on January 1, 2019, and serve through December 31, 2020.
View the new NSCA Charter
Nominations are now being accepted for National Delegates from each state. Remember, Executive Council members must first be elected as National Delegates. The number of National Delegates from each state is determined by the number of members in that state. You can view the number of positions allocated to each state on the nomination form.
While the charter calls for the nomination period to begin July 1, nominations are being opened early due to the new structure. This will allow NSCA more time to inform members of the new charter and for members to determine their plans for possible service. Future elections will open nominations on July 1, per the charter.
Download the National Delegate Nomination Form
You may choose to run for the National Delegate position yourself or nominate another person. However, if you nominate another member, that person must agree to be a candidate. Any candidate/nominee must have the endorsement of five current members of NSCA from the state he or she would represent. The nominee and the five endorsers must sign the nomination form (below) and provide their member numbers. A nomination is not considered valid without those signatures and member numbers.
Only fully-paid, current NSCA members qualify to run for National Delegate; the position is not open to Complimentary Limited Membership (CLM) or Crossfire members (NSSA members registering NSCA targets). Note: Nominees for National Delegate are no longer required to shoot a minimum number of registered targets. Current National Delegates may run for the office again, but they are not automatically placed on the ballot. The nomination / election procedure is the same as for other candidates.
Nominations will be accepted by email or fax. Send nominations to Glynne Moseley, gmoseley@nssa-nsca.com, fax 210-688-3014. All nominations must be received by July 21 at 5:00 p.m. Ballots will be distributed by email during the first week of August for voting via online ballot.