At the recent winter meeting of NSSA and NSCA governing bodies, a plan was made to explore a potential endowment program to benefit NSSA and NSCA. A workshop will be held to initiate the effort. President Don Kelly and Past President John Haugh prepared a statement on the plan, inviting interested members to participate: Throughout the history of our association, our members, members' families, and friends within the shooting community have donated both real property (e.g., guns) and financial contributions. Currently, we have ad hoc resources and personnel to properly and legally … [Read more...]
Officers Address Membership on Endowments
The Officers of the National Skeet Shooting Association wish to address and update the NSSA-NSCA membership on a matter under discussion: To our membership, Members, sponsors and others have, from time to time, given gifts to the NSSA-NSCA. Sometimes the donor has specified their intent for these donations, such as 'Youth Shooting.' Because we have determined that there is substantial interest among our members and friends in supporting the work of the Association, we are exploring the potential benefits of soliciting gifts and donations to the Association in a more formal and … [Read more...]