The September issue of Clay Target Nation is full of event coverage and helpful advice that will have you shooting better and having even more fun. In our Training Tips columns, John Shima encourages us to control our self-talk—you wouldn't speak to someone else as negatively as you let your brain talk to you, so clean up the negativity. On the sporting clays side, Anthony Matarese Jr. has a message for shooters: Control the things you can, and let go of the things you can't. In features, Tim Le Cras takes a deep dive into adjustable-rib shotguns, interviewing several skeet and sporting … [Read more...]
The Challenges and Opportunities of Member Communications
You probably can't name a sport with memberships more diverse than skeet and sporting clays. Because they can be pursued successfully and with enjoyment by people of virtually any age or gender, we have the good fortune of memberships from young to old, male and female, novice to world championship levels. Members span wide-ranging income levels, vocations, and locations. Some participate in sporting clays or skeet exclusively, while others shoot both sports through dual memberships or the Crossfire program. Our members span all levels of technological expertise. Our diversity presents us not … [Read more...]
New Official Magazine Launches in January
Starting in January, 2016, you will receive a new official NSCA magazine, Clay Target Nation, a joint publication with NSSA. Our long-term contract with Sporting Clays magazine to provide a publication to you is expiring, and we have engaged Grand View Media to produce the new magazine under our direction. Around the same time you receive the inaugural issue of Clay Target Nation, you will also receive your final issue of Sporting Clays magazine. Although its cover date will be February 2016, you should receive it in early January. That will be the only month of overlapping … [Read more...]