The March issue of Clay Target Nation is full of hard-hitting tips and tactics to help you improve your shooting and have more fun, as well as informative stories to keep you entertained while the season is getting ramped up. In our Training Tips columns, John Shima reminds shooters that their ego can be their own worst enemy, while Anthony Matarese Jr. shares some insights on balancing shooting with all the demands of everyday life. This year, we're celebrating CTN's 10th anniversary by bringing you one article each issue from our 2016 archives, and in March, that's a feature all about … [Read more...]
Issues With Classification Processing Software Are Resolved
We believe the issues with our classification program have finally been resolved, and we are now starting to input shoots. If you come across any errors, please email Nicki Bowers at Our IT department is re-running the 2024 All-Region and All-State points races that were affected by these errors, and that should be updated over the weekend. Thank you so much for your patience. … [Read more...]
NSSA-NSCA Announces Lockton Affinity As Additional Insurance Provider
NSSA-NSCA is pleased to announce its offering of a second insurance option to its members, member clubs, and instructors, enhancing one of its most valuable member benefits. In addition to its longtime affiliation with Sportsman’s Insurance Company, Inc. to offer discounted insurance plans for guns, clubs, and instructors, NSSA-NSCA announces a new partnership with Lockton Affinity Outdoor to provide additional options to its members and member clubs. “Gun insurance is very important to our members who need to protect their investment in equipment, and our clubs and instructors require … [Read more...]
Classification, Histories May Be Displaying Incorrectly
We are experiencing continued issues with our internal classification processing software, and many of our members' classification and histories are currently displaying incorrectly. We are working to correct this issue as soon as possible and apologize for the confusion and inconvenience this is causing our members, clubs, and scoring programs. If you are unsure of what your correct classification is, please contact our office at 210-688-3371 ext. 961. … [Read more...]
Sponsor a USA Sporting Clays Team Member
With both major international events -- the World English Sporting Clays Championship and World FITASC Championship -- being held in Europe in 2025, the USA Sporting Clays Team is facing a funding challenge this year to cover high travel costs. To make it possible for the team members to be fully funded as they represent the NSCA and USA in international competition this year, NSCA is encouraging members and fans of the team to sponsor a team member. USA Sporting Clays Team Manager and NSCA Assistant Director Nichole Bowers is leading the campaign to gain sponsors for the team: Dear … [Read more...]
2024 Shoots Will Be Processed by 2024 Rules
NSCA Members: All shoots in 2024 will be processed under the appropriate 2024 rules before we can correctly classify you for 2025 and display your 2025 classification. This information will be updated after the 2024 end-of-year is processed, which will be approximately January 15. Learn about classification changes for 2025. … [Read more...]
Classification Changes Effective January 1, 2025
Members and clubs are reminded that several changes in NSCA classification took effect on January 1, 2025. Here is a summary of classification changes for this year: Starting January 1, 2025: NSCA has removed E Class. All members in E class for both 12-gauge and sub-gauge will be moved up to D class and start with zero (0) punches. A new member who has never shot any registered clay targets will be assigned Class “C.” (Old rule was assigned Class “D.”) Starting January 1, 2025: New punch requirements to punch up in 12-gauge class. D – C - 4 punches (old was 6 … [Read more...]
NSCA 2024 End-of-Year Review Criteria
The following criteria will be used for the end-of-year review process, which will be taking place the week of January 20, 2025. 12-Gauge Classification: ONLY shooters who started and ended the year in the same class and shot a minimum of 500 registered targets or more are eligible for end-of-year review. If a shooter has accumulated FEWER THAN the following required minimum number of punches in their ending class for the year, and then if their calculated CCFR (Current Class Finish Ratio) in their ending class for the year is greater than 0.400, the shooter will be reviewed and … [Read more...]
Update Regarding Sportsman’s Insurance Agency, Inc.
We are pleased to report that Sportsman's Insurance Agency, Inc. (SIAI) has notified NSSA-NSCA of an update regarding the gun, gun club and instructor coverages they offer to our members and member clubs. "Sportsman’s Insurance Agency is excited to announce the continuation of our regular operations with our customers," said Leslie Casanova, president of SIAI. If your firearm, gun club, or instructor's coverage recently expired, please contact Sportsman’s at 386-677-2588 to discuss resuming these valuable coverages. If your policy expires on a future date, your coverage will … [Read more...]
Apply for $5,000 NSSA or NSCA Scholarship
Active NSSA and NSCA members who will graduate from high school this academic year are invited to apply for one of the eight $5,000 scholarships that will be awarded to deserving students this year. Four scholarships will be presented to NSSA members and four to NSCA members. The scholarship program is open not only to students pursuing a four-year degree but also to students attending two-year colleges and technical colleges. Recipients must begin their advanced studies in 2025. Selection is based on a combination of participation in NSSA-NSCA, academic achievement, citizenship and need. … [Read more...]
2025-2026 Executive Council and Officers Elected
The NSCA Executive Council for the 2025-2026 term has been elected, with three EC members from each NSCA region, for a total of 15 members. Each was first elected as a Delegate, then ran for the EC position representing their region. The new Executive Council, effective January 1, 2025, will be: Northeast Region Anthony Matarese, NJ Neil Chadwick, NH Mark Baltazar, NY North Central Region Brett Seibert, IL Gary Fitzjarrell, IL Steve Greene, WI Southeast Region Sammy McFaddin, … [Read more...]
2026 U.S. Open Host Club Selection Underway
The selection process is underway for the host club of the 2026 NSCA U.S. Open Championship, and you have the opportunity to have a say in it. A new process starting this year allows National Delegates to review the eight tournament proposals submitted by clubs, complete with videos, and provide their feedback to the Executive Committee. Three finalists and any ties for the third position will do presentations during the National Delegate meeting at the National Championship before the Executive Council takes its final vote. National Delegates: Please contact the NSCA Executive Council … [Read more...]
2025-2026 NSCA Delegates Elected
The election is complete for 2025-2026 NSCA Delegates representing every U.S. state and several other countries, with the number of Delegates determined by the number of members in each state/country as of December 31, 2023. The newly elected Delegates will serve beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026. See the list of 2025-2026 NSCA Delegates Please note: If there are fewer Delegates listed than the state is entitled to, there were not enough candidates or write-in votes to fill the positions, and the positions will remain unfilled. Delegates for the new term … [Read more...]
K-80 Raffle Tickets SOLD OUT!
Tickets for the annual Krieghoff K-80 shotgun raffle are SOLD OUT. One lucky winner will take home a dream gun worth $20,345 when their ticket is drawn during the National Sporting Clays Championship. You do not have to be present to win. Krieghoff has generously donated a K-80 Sporting model with a tapered flat rib on 32-inch barrels. It will be enhanced with beautiful Symphony Nitride engraving and a category 002 #3 Sporting adjustable stock and Schnabel forend. The annual K-80 raffle is one of the major fundraisers for the USA Sporting Clays Team and also supports the Krieghoff … [Read more...]
Pro Class Created, Super Squad Is Now Pro Squad
NSCA announces a program name change for the 2024 Pro Squad, formerly known as the Super Squad, for the 2024 National Sporting Clays Championship, and the creation of a Pro Class for Regional, U.S. Open, and National Championship events. The NSCA Executive Council voted in January to change the name from Super Squad to Pro Squad to align with a new classification of shooters that will start at the 2024 National Sporting Clays Championship and continue with the 2025 Regional Championships, U.S. Open, and National Championship. All shooters who have qualified for that year’s Pro Squad will be … [Read more...]
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