James (Jim) Swanzy III of Clute, Texas, long-time president of Capital City Skeet & Trap, passed away on February 21. Jim and his wife Marian were married for over 40 years and lived in Austin. After retirement, Jim enjoyed shooting and riding and traveling on his BMW motorcycles. He played an integral part in making Austin's Capital City Clays a welcoming and fun location for shooting skeet, trap, and sporting clays. Following the death of Marian in 2016, Jim married Margaret Kana in 2017 and moved to Clute. In September 2018, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Jim fought the … [Read more...]
NSC To Host Texas State Sporting Clays
The National Shooting Complex will host the 2019 Texas State Sporting Clays Championship on April 24-28, 2019. Registration is now open. The event will feature a 200-target main event, 100-target FITASC, 100-target Super Sporting, plus small-gauge, small-gauge FITASC, Preliminary, Adios Cup, and other side events. Go to the event page. … [Read more...]
2018 End-of-Year Review Information
NSCA's 2018 end-of-year review was run Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The criteria used for the 2018 end-of-year review is as follows: All shooters who started and ended the year in the same class and shot a minimum of 500 or more registered targets are eligible for review. All shooters who shot 1,000 or more registered targets in their ENDING class for the year are eligible for review. If a shooter has accumulated FEWER THAN the following required minimum number of punches in their ending class for the year (the aggregate over all gauges) and if their calculated CCFR (Current Class … [Read more...]
2019 Caribbean Classic – February 6-11, 2019
As the second of the “Big 4” Florida February sporting clays tournaments, the 2019 Caribbean Classic in Vero Beach, FL is shaping up to be the biggest and best ever. Pre-registration to date has exceeded all previous years, and most events are full or almost full. But don’t despair -- if you plan to come but haven’t yet signed up, the club is working a waiting list where necessary. Call Emma at the club, 772-978-0935, or go to www.winscoreonline.com to register ASAP. Please note that due to the anticipated large crowd, all on-site RV parking and vendor spaces MUST be reserved in advance by … [Read more...]
NSCA Executive Council Is Elected
NSCA National Delegates have selected 15 of their members to serve as the 2019-2020 NSCA Executive Council. Pursuant to the new NSCA charter enacted earlier this year, Delegates from each region chose three Delegates from the Region to comprise the new governing body. The new Executive Council are: Northeast Region John Commerford (VA) Brad Hopkins (MD) Anthony Matarese, Jr. (NJ) North Central Region Dr. Paula Benbow (WI) Brett P. Seibert (IL) Thomas J. Sweeney (IL) Southeast Region Rollins Brown (FL) Joe B. … [Read more...]
Kienbaum, Edmunds Win Nationals Titles
Everyone's favorite sporting clays couple, Zachary Kienbaum and Desirae Edmunds, pleased the crowd Sunday when they each won championships by blazing their way through the Orange course to win their titles outright. After numerous finishes on Nationals and World podiums, it was finally Kienbaum's time to win his first National Sporting Clays Championship with a score of 286, a one-target edge over runner-up Wendell Cherry and four targets ahead of third-place Anthony Matarese, Jr. With a stellar performance on her final course, Edmunds surged ahead by eight targets over runner-up Annabelle … [Read more...]
Thank You to National Championship Sponsors
The 2018 National Sporting Clays Championship was an immensely successful event by every measure, and our sponsors helped greatly to make that happen. Because of the support of our sponsors, we were able to provide championship main event courses, side events, dinners and parties, games, prizes, and many other enhancements to the National Championship that made it an event to remember for over 2100 participants. Our sincere gratitude goes to these sponsors: Able Ammo Academy Sports + Outdoors Association of College Unions International (ACUI) Aguila Ammo Alamo Sporting … [Read more...]
Keep Up With National Championship Scores
You can keep up with National Championship scores as events and flights are completed and posted online. Scores are being posted on Winscoreonline.com, and you can go directly to Nationals results. You can find everything else related to Nationals on our National Championship page. Go to 2018 National Sporting Clays Championship results. … [Read more...]
See If You’ve Won a Gun or Prize at Nationals!
We're giving away guns at the National Championship, and you may already be a winner! We've already drawn winners of many guns, mostly just for showing up! We'll be doing it all week, so every participant in every class has an equal chance of winning. People who come to evening activities and those who participate in the Golden Target and Golden Ticket games will have additional chances to win guns and other valuable prizes. See gun winners through Thursday, October 25 See gun winners October 26-27 Elite Shotguns Golden Ticket Random Drawing Winners … [Read more...]
NSCA Certified Instructors: Renew Your Listing
It is time for NSCA Certified Instructors to renew your listing to ensure your inclusion on MyNSCA.com and in the January issue of Clay Target Nation magazine. We will again publish the NSCA Certified Instructor list in the January 2019 "reference issue" of Clay Target Nation magazine, which we anticipate members will keep as a resource to use throughout the year. To meet the magazine publishing deadline, all instructors wishing to be included must renew your listing and pay the $25 renewal fee by November 1, 2018. If you received your certification in 2018, you will automatically be … [Read more...]
Two Special Ladies Events at Nationals
Last year’s first Ladies Day In shooting clinic at the National Sporting Clays Championship was a resounding success, attracting a full house of both local and out-of-state beginning shooters who wanted to learn the basics of shotgunning from and with other ladies. We’ll be doing it again this year during Nationals on Friday, October 26, from 8:30 a.m to 1:00 p.m., including both classroom time and shooting. The clinic will include shooting and safety instruction with loaner guns from Blaser, ammunition from Fiocchi, and lunch from the NSCA. Ladies who are just getting started in shooting … [Read more...]
NYSCA Founding Father, Emil Misata, Passes
One of New York's first NSCA members, Emil F. Misata, 78, passed away on July 8, 2018, after a short illness. His member number indicates he was the 106th member of the entire association. "This is a sad loss for the New York State shooting community," says longtime member Louise Terry. "He was clearly a founding father of registered sporting clays in New York." Emil formed the New York Sporting Clays Association (NYSCA) in early 1993 along with Don Nickerson and Rhonda Driscoll. They applied to the NSCA for recognition as a state association that same year and also filed with the State … [Read more...]
USA Team Brings Home Medals from World FITASC in France
Following competition at the 2018 World FITASC Championship, the USA FITASC Team is on the way home from Saint-Lambert, France with three team Gold Medals, two Silver Medals, and six individual medals for team members. In addition, Zachary Kienbaum led for much of the competition and finished with the highest score among American competitors, taking the individual Silver Medal. The Junior Team of Brice Grantham, Dominic Gross, and Tom Seay won team Gold, and Grantham and Gross also won individual Gold and Silver, respectively. USA Ladies (Desirae Edmunds, Ashley Little, and Diane Sorantino) … [Read more...]
New NSCA Charter Calls for New NSCA Elections
The NSCA Advisory Council has developed and the NSSA Executive Committee has approved a new charter for the National Sporting Clays Association, which is a division of the National Skeet Shooting Association. The charter defines a new governance structure and calls for elections to be held this year. The new governing structure eliminates the Advisory Council and Regional Delegate positions and creates a 15-member Executive Council, with three members from each region, elected from the National Delegate body. Five officers will be elected from the Executive Council. The new governing bodies … [Read more...]
Replacement Patches Available for Order
If you need a replacement patch from a previous year's recognition team (All-American, All-Region, All-State), we will be taking orders through September 1. While we have replacement patches available for most teams, please keep in mind that we do not have allof them. Availability is limited to what we have on hand at headquarters. To see if the patch you need is available or to order, contact Nicki Martin, nmartin@nssa-nsca.com. … [Read more...]
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