The March issue of Clay Target Nation is full of hard-hitting tips and tactics to help you improve your shooting and have more fun, as well as informative stories to keep you entertained while the season is getting ramped up. In our Training Tips columns, John Shima reminds shooters that their ego can be their own worst enemy, while Anthony Matarese Jr. shares some insights on balancing shooting with all the demands of everyday life. This year, we're celebrating CTN's 10th anniversary by bringing you one article each issue from our 2016 archives, and in March, that's a feature all about … [Read more...]
Update Regarding Sportsman’s Insurance Agency, Inc.
We are pleased to report that Sportsman's Insurance Agency, Inc. (SIAI) has notified NSSA-NSCA of an update regarding the gun, gun club and instructor coverages they offer to our members and member clubs. "Sportsman’s Insurance Agency is excited to announce the continuation of our regular operations with our customers," said Leslie Casanova, president of SIAI. If your firearm, gun club, or instructor's coverage recently expired, please contact Sportsman’s at 386-677-2588 to discuss resuming these valuable coverages. If your policy expires on a future date, your coverage will … [Read more...]
K-80 Raffle Tickets SOLD OUT!
Tickets for the annual Krieghoff K-80 shotgun raffle are SOLD OUT. One lucky winner will take home a dream gun worth $20,345 when their ticket is drawn during the National Sporting Clays Championship. You do not have to be present to win. Krieghoff has generously donated a K-80 Sporting model with a tapered flat rib on 32-inch barrels. It will be enhanced with beautiful Symphony Nitride engraving and a category 002 #3 Sporting adjustable stock and Schnabel forend. The annual K-80 raffle is one of the major fundraisers for the USA Sporting Clays Team and also supports the Krieghoff … [Read more...]
Sponsor a New Gun Rack at the NSC
The National Shooting Complex will have all-new, hand-crafted metal gun racks soon, and you have an opportunity to have your name on one or more of them. Each of the new gun racks will have two 4.5x12” metal plates on opposite sites on which we’ll engrave a sponsor/donor’s name. The racks will be spread throughout the complex and have varying levels of exposure, so they are priced accordingly. Sponsorship/donor commitments are for a five-year period and include recognition on both metal plates. However, the first 50 gun rack sponsorships will have the recognition period doubled, meaning you … [Read more...]
Win VIP Package with Purchase of 2 Raffle Tickets
NSSA-NSCA has two big gun raffles underway, and buying a ticket for each can net you a huge reward! If you purchase both a Kolar shotgun raffle ticket and a Krieghoff K-80 raffle ticket, you will not only be entered to win both of these shotguns, but you'll also be entered to win your choice of either a 2024 World Skeet Championships VIP Package or 2024 National Sporting Clays Championship VIP Package. Buying multiple pairs of tickets will get your name entered for each pair. If you have previously purchased the pair of tickets, your name will be automatically entered for the event VIP … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Enjoy National Shooting Sports Month in August
August is National Shooting Sports Month, and America’s firearm owners will find it a great time to spend a day at the range enjoying their favorite target-shooting sports with friends and family members. It’s also a time for millions of first-time gun owners to check out all the shooting sports have to offer. Developed by NSSF, the firearms industry trade association, National Shooting Sports Month is marking its seventh year of celebrating the great American pastime of target shooting. Whether you enjoy shattering clay targets with a shotgun, hearing the clang of hitting steel plates with … [Read more...]
Beware: The Heat Is Upon Us
The heat all across the lower half of the U.S. is outrageously high, and shooters are at an increased risk for heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. This is all a continuous spectrum of heat-related illness. Dr. Dan Fisher of Chattanooga, an NSCA Level 2 instructor, warns us of some risk factors that you might need to consider. First, your age. Shooters older than 60-65 are at an increased risk. Many shooters this age are not in good physical shape. Second, your overall condition. If you have cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes, you are at big risk. Third, your weight. If your … [Read more...]
Bid to Shoot with Nationals Super Squad – Deadline Extended
Bidding is now open to shoot with three of the most accomplished sporting clays shooters in the world, filling the fourth position on a 2023 National Championship Super Squad. The deadline to bid has just been extended to September 4 so shooters can take advantage of two new incentives to bid: The top three (3) winning bidders (in terms of money spent) will receive free use of a golf cart for the entirety of the 2023 National Sporting Clays Championship AND free main event entry to the 2024 National Championship! Members of the Qualified Super Squads have been determined by placements at … [Read more...]
NSCA Legend Lois Neely Passes
It is with heavy hearts and profound sadness that we announce the passing of Lois Neely, a true legend and cherished member of the sporting clays community. Lois departed this world on July 10, 2023, leaving behind a legacy that will forever be etched in the minds and hearts of our industry. Lois dedicated her life to sporting clays tournaments with an unwavering commitment to excellence, skill and service to our sportsmen. Her career began with the NSSA in member services in 1985. She moved to the NSCA in 1989, the first staff member to solely focus on the NSCA at headquarters, with member … [Read more...]
Amber Schwarz Marks 25 Years With NSSA-NSCA-NSC
Amber Schwarz, NSSA-NSCA Director of Member and Club Services, celebrated her 25th anniversary with NSSA-NSCA on April 26. Amber started helping with shoots at the National Shooting Complex in 1996 and became a full-time employee in 1998. Amber is known as a go-to person at the office who can figure out the answer to any problem, as there are few jobs there she hasn't done, or practices and policies she hasn't helped implement. "I've worked from one end of the office to the other," said Amber, "doing anything and everything I could learn to get the job done." She spent many years as … [Read more...]
NSC to Use Score Chaser for 2023 National Championship, Texas State
The National Shooting Complex has added Score Chaser to the portfolio of registration/scoring platforms it will use in the future for NSCA events. In 2023, the NSC will use Score Chaser for two flagship events it will host – the National Sporting Clays Championship and the Texas State Sporting Clays Championship. The 2022 National Championship registration is being managed by Winscore. “Diversity in our skills and tools is important to NSCA, in order to have options for our many events and to assist our clubs in their choice of platform,” said Michael Hampton Jr., NSCA Executive Director. … [Read more...]
NSSA-NSCA Response to CA AB #2571
In observance of the recently passed California Assembly Bill #2571, NSSA-NSCA must cease all advertising and marketing activities directed at individuals 17 years and younger in California. This includes ceasing to distribute Clay Target Nation magazine, Target Talk/Target Talk Lessons newsletters, CTN Extra newsletter, event promotions, and other association communications to affected members. We have purged all mailing and email lists of affected members for magazines, newsletters, and other communications. Processes are now in place to maintain compliance as affected member numbers … [Read more...]
World English Sporting Clays Returns to NSC in 2022
The World English Sporting Clays Championship returns to the USA in 2022 when the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio, Texas, hosts the event. The event is planned for April 20-24, 2022. The tournament will feature a 200-target main sporting clays event, along with 100-target old-style FITASC, Super Sporting, NSCA 5-Stand, and various other side events, including sub-gauge and sub-gauge FITASC. It can be expected to attract teams and individual shooters from numerous countries around the world. Registration forms are available on our World English Sporting Clays Championship page, … [Read more...]
Updated Ammo Policy for National Championship
The National Shooting Complex has updated its ammunition policy for the upcoming National Sporting Clays Championship to address availability issues: We have been working diligently with all of our ammunition sponsors to secure as much ammunition as possible for the National Sporting Clays Championship. Despite our efforts to ensure that we have enough ammunition on hand, we unfortunately WILL NOT have enough on site for everyone to purchase for everything they are planning to participate in. We have a great deal of ammunition on hand, but knowing the demand will be higher this year, we … [Read more...]
NSSA-NSCA Acquires Property Adjacent to NSC
On December 31, NSSA-NSCA completed the purchase of 23+ acres adjoining the National Shooting Complex that creates a buffer from development and helps protect the association’s investment in its San Antonio, Texas, property. The land purchase is an important investment in the future of the National Shooting Complex, preventing any type of encroachments of residential or commercial development adjacent to our property boundary. This investment received unanimous support from the joint NSSA-NSCA Finance Committee and the Executive Committee. “The NSSA-NSCA bought this property as a buffer … [Read more...]